Knurlcraft Scissor Type Knurling Tools, Your one stop SHOP for Knurlcraft Knurls and Knurling Tools. Serving the American Machine Shop since 1953. Put WORKHOLDING to WORK for YOU with
Knurlcraft Tools, are loaded with features you’ve come to expect, And a GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE

The New Heavy Duty Knurlcraft Scissor Knurling Tool. Features both Standard and Counterbored knurls. Knurling pressures are absorbed by the tool not your machine. Knurls are quickly and easily replaced while in your machine. K1-44 Knurling Tools will endure even your worst CNC application. CNC shanks are a solid, one piece construction and offset to allow for virtually no turret overhang.
Knurlcraft - offers a wide range of knurls and knurling tools.
Ajax Sales and Service 1 (800)543-5998

The New Heavy Duty Knurlcraft Scissor Knurling Tool. Features both Standard and Counterbored knurls. Knurling pressures are absorbed by the tool not your machine. Knurls are quickly and easily replaced while in your machine. K1-44 Knurling Tools will endure even your worst CNC application. CNC shanks are a solid, one piece construction and offset to allow for virtually no turret overhang.
Knurlcraft - offers a wide range of knurls and knurling tools.
Ajax Sales and Service 1 (800)543-5998