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Cimcool Cimstar 60C-HFP with Fact 5 Gallon B00406

Cimcool Cimstar 60C-HFP with Fact 5 Gallon B00406

Item# B00406
Availability: In Stock
Cimcool Cimstar 60C-HFP with Fact 5 Gallon B00406

Product Description

Cimcool Cimstar 60C-HFP with Fact 5 Gallon B00406

DESCRIPTION CIMSTAR 60C-HFP with FACT is a premium semi-synthetic that contains a chlorinated EP (extreme pressure) lubricant for heavy duty operations.

APPLICATION CIMSTAR 60C-HFP with FACT is recommended for High Fluid Pressure and High Volume Flow Applications where minimization of foam is critical for part quality and machine operations. It is recommended for general purpose machining of ferrous and most non-ferrous applications. It can be used for turning, drilling, reaming, boring, milling and tapping as well as some grinding operations.

FEATURES & BENEFITS CIMCOOL®-HFP Fluids with FACT: Provides superior foam control through the combination of product design, raw material selection and innovative antifoam technology. These fluids are the result of years of experience that have identified creative methods to prevent, control, and reduce foam, even when fluids are used in high pressure delivery systems. This expertise is only available in CIMCOOL®-HFP Fluids with FACT.

CORROSION PROTECTION: The oily residue keeps machine tools and work-piece materials free of corrosion and staining. Good on most nonferrous alloys as well.

MICROBIAL CONTROL: CIMSTAR 60C-HFP with FACT has excellent rancidity control., Your one stop SHOP for CIMCOOL® FLUID TECHNOLOGY. We WELCOME The OPPORTUNITY to QUOTE in 55 Gallon Drums as well.
All Your Fluid Needs
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